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Through personalized OPTIONS, we collaborate with people and community partners to develop and offer creative, personal, and clinical services for individuals.





OPTIONS Northwest offers a varity of services. Let us help you find the service that works best for you.

Community Services

OPTIONS northwest Community Services presently provides personal and residential support for adults living with a developmental disability. Using the values of Person Directed Planning and OPTIONS’ Mission, Vision and Philosophy, Direct Support Professionals build on a person’s goals, interests and support network to assist them to live as successfully as possible within the community and to support their full inclusion in all aspects of society. We recognize that everyone we support is unique with distinct needs and believe that everyone has the right to make their own choices to ensure they have an active role in identifying and choosing the supports they require.

Persons accessing our services receive supports that are designed to meet their individual needs and the Direct Support Professionals providing support receive specialized training, as required, by qualified professionals. The type and duration of support provided is determined by the individuals’ needs as articulated in their personal plans.

We provide supportive housing in our community through various models one being group living residences with 24 hours of support. In addition to a developmental disability, persons receiving 24-hour support may also have significant medical or behavioural support needs.

Please note that all available residential resources are funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. Availability within these resources are reported to Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) who holds the waitlist for residential placements.

To apply for adult (18 and over) residential services, please contact DSO at 1-855-376-6673 or visit their website.

Supported Independent living

This program is designed to support individuals that are wishing to live independently in the community; however, require additional supports to help achieve and maintain their independence. These individuals often come from a supported living environment such as 24-hour care, foster home, home share, family home etc., and wish to be more independent.

Living in a SIL location will promote independence and offer the support required to foster a successful placement in the community as well as providing a level of support designed to meet the needs of the individual. 

Support staff may visit a person daily or weekly depending on the individual's needs. Support staff will help individuals create their own care plan, set goals and assist the individual in achieving their goals. In addition to assisting individuals with activities of daily living, staff support individuals in many ways;

  • Community based activities
  • Employment
  • Education
  • Housing
  • Referral service to other community partners as needed
  • Support with medical needs (physical, dental, mental, vision etc)
  • Social networking
  • Life skills required to be independent
  • Shopping (grocery, personal needs)
  • Budgeting
  • Cooking
  • Cultural and religious activities of their choosing

To apply for a SIL service, please contact Developmental Services Ontario at 1-855-376-6673 or visit their website

Home Share Program

OPTIONS northwest offers a service where an individual with a Developmental Disability resides in a person’s (Home Share Provider) home. The Home Share Provider (HSP) will invite a person to live in their home on a long-term basis and support the individual to live a fulfilling and rewarding life. HSP are asked to accept the individual and respect their wishes to live their life their way. The HSP will include the individual in home/family activities and treat them as they were a natural part of the home environment.

To become a HSP there is a screening process which includes reference checks along with a police reference check, home screening and an interview with OPTIONS northwest and the individual asking for support. Once a match is found, a series of visits will ensue and ensure all parties are comfortable moving forward. OPTIONS northwest and the HSP will negotiate a daily stipend and consider respite needs and any other cost that may be associated in the support of the Home Sharer, this will be identified on a Service Agreement. In addition, OPTIONS northwest will provide support staff to assist the HSP and the Home Sharer on a regular basis which is intended on maintaining a successful placement and providing the necessary supports to meet the needs of the Home Sharer and HSP.

Please note there are more details involved in this program regarding; screening, ongoing support, matching, responsibilities and training. Interested parties are encouraged to contact our 95 Cumberland Street North office at (807) 344-4994 and arrange to meet with staff in person to discuss the program in more detail.

For more information on the program, please visit the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services website.

To apply for a Home Share service, please contact Developmental Services Ontario at 1-855-376-6673 or visit their website.

Community Participation

Community Participation Supports (CPS) provides supports to adults with Developmental Disabilities to be more inclusive in their community and participate in activities of their choice. Those supports often include recreational activities, volunteer/employment, self-help and ongoing education. Like the other services, an individual plan will be developed with the person to identify what services and activities they would like to participate in. From there OPTIONS northwest will secure the required staffing and work towards achieving their goals.

To apply for CPS, please contact Developmental Services Ontario at 1-855-376-6673 or visit their website.

Clinical Services

The Community Resource Team (CRT) at OPTIONS northwest provides multi-disciplinary clinical services to individuals with a developmental disability in the Thunder Bay & District area.

Operating under the Vision, Mission and Philosophy of OPTIONS northwest, we aim to enhance the quality of life of individuals through holistic clinical supports and individualized approaches.

The Community Resource Team provides or has access to specialized services in:

  • Health Care
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Social Work
  • Speech/Language
  • Dual Diagnosis - Including the North Community Network of Specialized Care & St. Joseph's Care Group Partnership
  • Psychology
  • Positive Behavioural Services
  • Children's Behavioural Services (ages 6 to 18)
  • Community Outreach/Non-Traditional Supports
  • Partnership with TBRHSC - Forensics Program
  • Partnership with Children’s Centre Thunder Bay to provide Single Plan of Care service


Services can be provided in French upon request to the Manager of Community Services - Community Resource Team.

Pour avoir des services offert en français faites votre demande au Directeur des Services Communautaires - Équipe des Resources Communautaires.


If you are currently receiving clinical supports from the CRT and wish to access additional services, please download and complete the CRT Referral Form and email it to


If you are not currently receiving clinical supports from the CRT you will need to contact Developmental Services Ontario (DSO). Individuals currently receiving residential supports from OPTIONS, but are not receiving clinical supports will also need to contact DSO if they wish to access CRT Services. To apply for clinical services, please contact DSO at 1-855-376-6673 or visit their website.

For children's referrals please call The Access Network at 1-855-486-5037.

Passport Services

Passport is an Ontario Government funded program for any adult deemed eligible with a Developmental Disability. Individuals must apply for the program through Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) to access it. The Passport program assists individuals to participate in activities of their choice and in some cases provides a break/respite for the caregivers for short periods of time.

Often individuals use the program to participate in recreational activities but it can be used to develop volunteer/employment skills, participation in community-based classes/programs, hire their own support staff, travel and temporary respite for caregivers.

Please visit the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services and the DSO websites for more information regarding this service.

To learn more about the application process, please contact Development Services Ontario at 1-855-376-6673 or visit their website.

Purchased Services

OPTIONS northwest offers a Purchased Service arrangement to help meet the needs of the individual, caregivers and other service agencies when other traditional options of services may not be available.

Essentially OPTIONS northwest will work with the other parties and identify the need(s) of the situation which will then be articulated in a Service Agreement, so all parties understand what they are responsible for. Purchased Services may include, but are not limited to, recreational activities, wellness checks and medication administration.

To find out more information regarding this service please contact our 95 Cumberland Street North office at (807) 344-4994 and arrange to meet with staff in person to discuss the program in more detail.


Connect with us anytime if you have any questions.
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